Results and publications
We have a number of articles that are being considered by journals that will report results from the various project sites other more accessible
publications are available and are also listed below. For more information contact: Ed Baines (
FREE! - science materials for KS2 teachers on Evaporation & Condensation and Forces (motion down a slope) - These are a taste of some of the activities developed for use in the SPRinG project. More exciting activities are available in the SPRinG handbook - due out later this year (see below). Each download includes a set of lesson outlines with group activities and group work booklets (Note we have not included the individual thinking booklets or the post test booklets. These are not essential for use of the lesson outlines).
Book -
"Motivating your secondary class." - Galton, M., Steward, S., Hargreaves, L.,
Page, C. and Pell, A. (2009) , Sage
Publications. See
Article in Cambridge Journal of Education -
"Group work: Still a neglected art?",
Galton, M. & Hargreaves, L. (2009) Vol., 39(1), 1-6.
Article in Cambridge Journal of Education - "Can the enhancement of group working in classrooms provide a basis for effective
communication in support of school-based cognitive achievement in classrooms of young learners". - Kutnick, P., & Berdondini, L. (2009) vol. 39(1), 71-94.
Article in Cambridge Journal of Education - "Improving pupil group work interaction and dialogue in primary classrooms: results from a year
long intervention study". - Baines, E., Rubie-Davies, C., & Blatchford, P. (2009) vol. 39(1), 95-117.
Article in Cambridge Journal of Education - "Group work and whole class teaching with 11- to 14-year-olds compared". - Galton, M., Hargreaves, L., & Pell, T. (2009) vol. 39(1), 119-140.
Book chapter in The Teacher's Role in Implementing Cooperative Learning in the Classroom - "Pupil Grouping for Learning: developing a
social pedagogy of the classroom" - Baines, E., Blatchford, P., & Kutnick, P. (2008). Springer. (see here)
Article in Learning and Instruction - "Improving the effects of group working in classrooms with young school-aged children: Facilitating attainment, interaction and classroom activity". Kutnick, P., Ota, C. & Berdondini, L. (2008)
Article in British Educational Research Journal - "Improving the effectiveness of collaborative group work in primary schools: effects on
Science attainment". - Baines, E., Blatchford, P., & Chowne, A. (2007) vol. 33(5), 663-680.
Article in Research Papers in Education - "Promoting group work at Key stage 3: solving an attitudinal crisis among adolescents". - Pell, T., Galton, M., Steward, S., Page, C. & Hargreaves, L. (2007) vol. 22(3), 309-332.
General Articles
KS2 Newsletter 2 - for participating schools and teachers now available!
Draft of article that appeared in Junior Education - Blatchford, P. & Baines, E. (2006) July pp12-13 - see
KS2 Newsletter 1 - for teachers and policy makers
Research Briefing
- for academics, policy makers and schools broadly summarising the project and findings.
'Accessible Summary' - A summary put together by someone external to the project
Academic articles
Presentation to AERA 2007 - Academic presentation at American Education Research Association Conference in Chicago
Article in Journal of Educational Psychology - "The effect of a new approach to group work on pupil-pupil and teacher-pupil interactions" - Blatchford, P., Baines, E., Rubie-Davies, C., Bassett, P. & Chowne, A. (2006) vol. 98(4) pp. 750-765.
Presentation to AERA 2006 - Academic presentation at American Education Research Association Conference in San Francisco
AERA 2006 Article - Short paper of presentation at American Education Research Association Conference in San Francisco
Academic Executive summary and Academic Final report -
less accessible but detailed report of preliminary findings.
Towards a social pedagogy of classroom group-work
- background ideas and project principles for an academic audience.
Background articles
Grouping practices in primary and secondary schools - Background descriptive research findings
Inside the primary classroom: 20 years on - Background research findings